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How one Aussie farmer deals with cover crop biomass challenges

Large scale vegetable farms have lagged behind in adapting cover crops into their rotations.

In some cases, cover crop planting windows are obvious but the constraints of dealing with cover crop biomass can be very challenging depending on what veggies are grown.

Rob Hinrichsen of Kalfresh in Queensland, Australia, has visited my farm and I have met him twice in trips to his country. His forward thinking and creativity make him one of the leaders in the Aussie cover crop movement. ​

Kalfresh, a 3,000 acre operation, ​is now one of Queensland’s leading vegetable production companies and boasts a state-of-the-art washing and packing facility.​

I was impressed with how cover crops were being strategically used on commercial vegetable farms in Australia both as a disease suppressant and as a way to increase organic matter. ​

Kalfresh is an example of more and more huge operations experiencing the benefits cover crops have to offer.


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